Terms and Conditions

The following are the terms and conditions that govern the use of SMART Media College’s Website (www.smart-2022.com). Any user accessing this Website is subject to the terms and conditions and any other applicable law.

Use of Website Content

The content given in the Website intends to inform the users about the college and the educational services offered by the college. The Website provides information regarding the different dimensions of the college’s educational services, including the events happening in the college and achievements of the students. All content provided in the Website, including text, images, animations, videos, digital artworks, audio files and so on are intended for personal use and for information purpose only. They are not intended for commercial use. Thus the content may not be duplicated, sold, stored, distributed, printed, displayed, published, reproduced or exploited in any way for commercial use.

SMC reserves all the rights to change, delete or append any content in the Website, without any prior notice to the users.

User Action

On using this Website, a user agrees not to use any obscene or offensive language; provide any false, misleading, abusive or harassing information; provide any personal information of someone else without their prior written consent; or use the Site for unlawful actions. SMC reserves the right to take necessary action against any individual/group/organization involved in any such malpractices, as per the court of law. However, the choice to take action or not lies with SMC.

Accessing the Website

Any user of the Website is not encouraged to use robots or any automated devices or programs to download, save, reproduce, or distribute the content available in the Website.

The user of this site must take precautions to ensure that the process which he/she employs for accessing this Site does not expose him/her to the risk of viruses or other form of interference which may cause damage to the user's own system. SMC shall not be responsible for any interference or damage caused to a user’s computer system that occurs in connection with the user’s access to this Website or any linked Website.

SMC shall not be responsible for any kind of damage that affects a user directly or indirectly caused by the use of or access of complete or part of any information given in this Website.


On submitting the details in the Enquiry form or any other form in the smart-2022.com Website, a user agrees to:

  • Make his/her contact details available to SMC.
  • Be contacted by SMC through telephonic calls, e-mails or SMS regarding any education related information.
  • Receive e-mails and SMS regarding latest activities at SMC, admission related details and any other education related details.

However, SMC reserves the right to make decisions on contacting a user.

User Information: Privacy Policy

A user may voluntarily provide his/her personal information, such as name, e-mail address, contact number, and interest towards our services to receive further information about the service of his/her interest. Any such personal information provided is purely given with utmost conscious and self-interest, and is not provided on compulsion. By such an act, a user agrees to receive the required information through an e-mail, text message or a phone call from the officials of SMART Media College.

Submitting any forms shall deemed to be considered that the user has read and understood the terms and conditions of the Website.

Information Security

SMC ensures that it will prevent any unauthorized access to the information collected online. Any personal information provided in the SMC Website will not be shared with/sold to/rented to any third party.

Usage of Information Provided

The information provided by a user may be used for:

  • Internal record keeping
  • Improving our products and services
  • Customizing the Website
  • Contacting the user for any market research purpose or to inform about any new product/service or any other education related details


We use cookies to analyze about our Web traffic in order to identify the Web pages that are highly accessed and those that are not accessed commonly. We use this analyzed information solely for the purpose of customizing our Website and to improve usability. We assure that the cookies do not provide access to any user system or user information, other than the ones explicitly provided by the user to us.

If a user wants to decline the use of cookies, he/she can make the respective settings in the browser.

Access to Other Websites

This Website may provide links to other Websites, which may include third party Websites. When a user intends to access such links, this Website’s ‘Terms and Conditions’ and ‘Privacy Policy’ will no longer be applicable. The user is responsible to read through the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy of the respective third party Website before any user action.


The terms, such as ‘we’, ‘us’, ‘our’ and ‘SMC’ cited in this content refers to SMART Media College. The terms and conditions given here apply to the use of this Website. By using this Website, a user agrees to these terms and conditions. If a user does not accept any part of the terms and conditions, he/she is advised to refrain from using this Website.

Note: All the terms and conditions given are subject to change without any prior notice. Users are advised to check the terms and conditions on a regular basis. If you find any abusive content or plagiarized content in this Website, please report the same to mail@smartmediacollege.com. The reported content will be validated and if found abusive/plagiarized, it will be removed within 48 working hours.